
The Rise of Bitcoin Trading Software

Bitcoin trading software

Living the Gordon Gekko (Wall Street) or Jordan Belfont (Wolf of Wall Street) life is a dream for many people. Successfully trading the financial markets – be they stocks, forex or cryptocurrencies is no easy task. What was once the preserve of professional traders and large financial institutions, has been opened to the masses through the advent of the internet and advancements in technology.

The last 10 – 15 years have seen a massive increase in the number of online trading platforms. The growth in online trading platforms has been making trading accessible to anyone with small funds and access to the internet. Along with the rise in online platforms has been the rise in automated trading software. Despite taking a reputational knock during the now-banned binary options years, there remains a thriving industry in trading software for the forex, CFD and now cryptocurrency markets.

The rise in popularity in crypto trading, in particular, Bitcoin (BTC ) trading, has meant a huge number of bitcoin automated trading software, or bots, as they are sometimes referred to.

Crypto trading bots have become an increasingly popular tool for not just newer traders without experience or knowledge of crypto trading, but also for experienced bitcoin traders too. Trading bots give users the ability to execute complex trading strategies in a fully-automated way. Automation all but removes the human element from trading in its entirety. This means emotions and market timing attempts are taken out of the equation, reducing the number of potential bad trades. As a result, seasoned crypto traders often prefer bot trading over manual trading.

Automated Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms

Similar to the crypto trading bots are automated cryptocurrency trading platforms. As well as the granddaddy of crypto’s – Bitcoin, these automated trading platforms work with other cryptocurrencies. Popular other cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple. Divergence allows for a more diverse investment portfolio. When the risk is spread, gives the investor a better chance of negating losses and increasing profits.

There is a multitude of different automated cryptocurrency trading platforms available throughout the world, each with varying degrees of success, failure and popularity. One of the more popular automated cryptocurrency trading platforms is the bitcoin future software. Although the team at Altbitnews have no personal experience of this particular product, you can get the bitcoin future software review here.

Should You Trust Automated Trading Software?

As with any form of investment, there is always an element of risk involved. Crypto trading carries a higher level of risk due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. Whilst automated trading takes out the human aspect of trading and can reduce risk; it isn’t for all traders. Some like to maintain control of their trades which is perfectly understandable. However, the advancement in the technology and algorithms used, are attracting more and more seasoned crypto traders.

As in all investment cases, doing one’s own research and due diligence into a product is ALWAYS recommended.

About the author


Ben is an experienced trader having worked for HSBC and Bank of Ireland. Ben takes a keen interest in the financial markets, and is a regular forex and cryptocurrency trader and commentator