
LENOIR – Earn Crypto Whilst Browsing the Web

web browser

The usage of crypto in our everyday lives continues to advance unabated. The global adoption of digital currencies means to some extent we can live, work, eat – do everything with cryptocurrencies.

Now, with LENOIR – it is possible to get paid in crypto for one of the most popular activities in the world – surfing the web.

Lenoir is a revolutionary new browser that enables you to make money while surfing the web. With Lenoir, there is no need to purchase a separate app or rig to mine cryptocurrency. Instead, you can mint crypto effortlessly whilst browsing the internet.

Lenoir offers a seamless browser-mining experience, which allows you to use all your favourite websites like Google, YouTube Facebook while all the time minting that sweet, sweet cryptocurrency on the side. Meanwhile, by using Lenoir, there is no need to download plugins or apps.

Simply, simply mint the crypto NOIR whilst surfing with LENOIR web browser and then exchange the NOIR for USDT or other cryptocurrencies in quickswap or uniswap.

Privacy Whilst Browsing

A big draw of LENOIR is the fact that Lenoir respects your privacy by blocking invasive ads and third-party tracking. At a time when your digital footprint is more tracked than ever before, LENOIR offers a web browsing experience on your laptop and desktop that ensures your movements and browsing habits aren’t tracked and sold to the highest bidder.

Lenoir lets you take control of your browsing and gives you the opportunity to earn easily exchangeable crypto whilst doing so.

Lenoir Brings the Future of Browsing, Today!

What Lenoir brings to the table is something simple but exciting. Every day we spend hours on our phones, our tablets and computers, surfing the web. lenoir offers a safe and private to do all that and earn crypto at the same time. Sounds a no-brainer!

Fir more details you can check out and download LENOIR here :


About the author


Ben is an experienced trader having worked for HSBC and Bank of Ireland. Ben takes a keen interest in the financial markets, and is a regular forex and cryptocurrency trader and commentator