
What is the ESCROW Protocol Price Prediction?

escrow protocol
escrow protocol

As we enter the last few months of a hectic 2021, it is a good time to have a look at one of the most talked-about crypto projects of the year -the Escrow Protocol.

The Blockchain-based Web3 Oracle platform is where investors can fund start-ups with extended control of their financial contributions and funding is released based on the projects’ successful completion of milestones.

What has captured the crypto community’s imagination, interest and investment is that ESCROW has a fantastic long-term use case associated with the token. Investors are purchasing ESCROW from exchanges and using it on the Escrow Protocol Platform to stake and invest in projects that typically can take 1-2 years to develop.

Escrow-held funds are allocated to Yield-Farming protocols, maximizing value appreciation through interest gains whilst waiting for the pay-out on future funding targets. The decentralized trust fund that combines traditional crowdfunding with Blockchain technology and easy-to-engage smart contracts provides a unique and rewarding investment model which enables investors to gain a foothold in start-up projects while receiving interest payments on allocated funds.

This means a lot of ESCROW gets locked up and put to work, creating a high demand for token sales whilst Start-Ups funded through the ESCROW PROTOCOL will deliver on their ICO promises or further funding may be blocked, meaning more trust, accountability, and minimised risk for all – a true win-win situation.

So, from an investor’s point of view, what is the ESCROW Protocol Price Prediction? There is a lot going for this exciting DeFi project. The ESCROW protocol will be 100% DAO with full community governance. There are solid tokenomics supporting this project which is backed up by a clear and defined roadmap and a whitepaper that offers substance and vision.

ESCROW protocol has announced a number of key partnerships recently, including high profile linkups with,, and which was announced just yesterday (26th November).

When considering the broad applications for ESCROW protocol and analyzing fundamentals like marketcap and token distribution, we can estimate an ESCROW price prediction to be somewhere in the range of $5-10.

Definitely one of the DeFi projects that should be kept a close eye on in 2022 and beyond.

About the author


Ben is an experienced trader having worked for HSBC and Bank of Ireland. Ben takes a keen interest in the financial markets, and is a regular forex and cryptocurrency trader and commentator

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